Ninox composition
Ninox composition

Successful restoration is, however, more complex than merely the removal of invasive plant species the consequence of vegetative restoration for wildlife must also be considered (Munro et al., 2011). Restoration ecology is increasingly applied to counter the effects of invasive plant species and rescue the original functioning of the ecosystems. Such measures are challenging in terms of management and funding but are necessary to maintain avian diversity during and after restoration processes.

  • We propose that a more nuanced approach to management such that some of the invaded forest in neighbouring areas is retained while new trees become established in the cleared areas, providing access to suitable habitat for birds during the transition phase.
  • ninox composition

    Functional and diversity indices are dependent on the type of management implemented. undulatum and only very weakly restored upon clearing of P. The suite of functional traits of the birds present at the sites was disrupted in idiosyncratic ways at sites invaded by P. undulatum, changes that were partly but not completely reversed by removal of P. Bird community composition changed in fairly consistent ways at multiple sites upon invasion by P. undulatum canopies compared to the forest overstorey, pointing to a large structural modification by the invader. However, richness and abundance were sharply lower in and beneath the P.

  • Overall bird species richness and individual abundance were insensitive indicators, as neither were significantly affected by the presence or removal of P.
  • undulatum invasion, were invaded, or had been cleared up to 14 years prior to our sampling.

    ninox composition

    Ninox composition free#

    (sweet pittosporum) in matched woodland areas in temperate south-eastern Australia that were free of P.

  • We examined how bird communities responded to the presence and removal of the invasive understorey tree Pittosporum undulatum Vent.
  • Faunal responses to plant invasions and their managed removal can expand our understanding of the nature of disturbance and the success of restored plant communities.

  • Ninox composition